Thanks to its experience and know-how in the area of environmental studies, Géostar can provide the support you need in your projects designed to protect the natural surroundings or habitats under your responsibility.
Our environmental analyses and studies are designed for homeowners, property developers and builders, and municipalities and institutions. The diversity of clients drawn to our environment-related solutions reflects the wide-ranging nature of the service requests we receive and the projects entrusted to us. Géostar can deliver customized services and target solutions. Our clients in this area vary in terms of needs and objectives but agree on a key point: they appreciate our responsive and effective services.
In efforts to provide the most targeted and effective services, Géostar assesses client needs, compliance requirements, and expectations at the very onset of all projects. Of course, such needs, requirements, and expectations are varied and, as a result, call for well-planned approaches and targeted processes. Do you need to carry out a survey of the natural surroundings as part of a construction project?
Do you need to conduct a survey of vegetation prior to a development project? Do you need a study that includes Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4 for the purchase or sale of a residential or commercial property? Drainage plan for your plot of land? Géostar has the required expertise to meet your needs in terms of environmental analyses.
By bringing together skill sets in biochemistry, floral and vegetation inventory and protection, and soil analysis and decontamination (including environmental studies encompassing Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4), Géostar delivers state-of-the-art environmental analysis and effective rehabilitation solutions.
You can determine if your site is polluted or contaminated by undertaking a process known as soil characterization – a specialty in which Géostar has built its reputable name. Our services in this regard are exhaustive and include Phase 1 (required by financial institutions when dealing with commercial and industrial sites) as well as Phases 2, 3 and 4, whenever required. Phase 1 gauges the impact of activities on the soil. Phase 2 confirms the presence or absence of contaminants.
If contaminants are present, Phase 3 is conducted so as to determine its scope, spread, and impact on natural surroundings and habitats. Phase 4 involves soil decontamination and rehabilitation procedures. Whenever possible or as part of an excavation procedure, Phase 4 can be carried out on site using techniques developed by our expert who has a Ph.D. in Microbiology.
Development in rural settings requires special care to protect natural habitats. Flora surveys, which are designed to assess the presence of threatened or vulnerable plant species so as to protect them, are required by the Quebec government’s department for sustainable development, the environment, and fauna and parks (MDDEFP). This requirement applies to residential construction projects and water-network and sewer construction projects that may affect coastlines, shorelines, lake floodplains, streams, wetlands, marshes, ponds, and bogs.
To conduct flora surveys, we go directly on site to survey the presence of threatened or vulnerable plant species in accordance with the Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable species and their habitats (RRQ. E-12.01). We also survey the presence of wetlands and bodies of water. With the results of our flora survey in hand, builders and municipalities can adjust their projects to ensure their compliance with stipulations designed to protect species and their habitats. Following your call, we can perform a survey of wildlife and flora rapidly in accordance with your needs.
For answers to your environment-related questions and solutions to your challenges in this area, please contact us today at 1 888 533-9996 or